Please join us January 31 at 4:00 pm for the next event in the Reeder Speaker Series

Join us in person at the Steel Museum or online via Zoom.
Bill Lawson is the Executive Director of Mahoning Valley Historical Society since 1991, and has worked for the Historical Society since 1987. Lawson is a past President, Trustee-at-Large, and Regional Representative of the Ohio Local History Alliance. He is the author of numerous articles and book reviews on history for local and professional periodicals, and is co-author of Mahoning Memories: A History of Youngstown and Mahoning County. Lawson holds BA and MA degrees in History from YSU.
“History Happened Here” is an ongoing series that explores subjects in local and regional history, highlighting the contributions of Ohio and Ohioans at important moments in national and world history. For more information, contact